Caregenex Healthcare

News & Events

What we do?

At Caregenex Healthcare, we make good health affordable and accessible to the marginalized communities and society at large. With active fieldwork, dedicated research and recognition of the efforts of those who work behind the scenes to combat illness and disease, we help as many people as we can to ensure their right to good health.
Health, education, water, livelihood, environment and disaster relief are some of our key priorities in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We also help conduct trainings in vocational skills for communities and undertake local-level community programs that are need based.

Extending the Healing Touch

“Health for All” is adopted as a national objective in India. Caregenex functions as an independent body touching the lives of many people with a fleet of mobile healthcare vans in many regions of Delhi. The main objective of this initiative is to enhance access of basic healthcare to the marginalized communities and more vulnerable sections of the society.

Nurturing Them as Our Children

As a result of our efforts, there has been a substantial decline in Infant Mortality Rate. These positive outcomes are the result of a scientific approach and strategic planning to tackle major health issues like low birth weight and pneumonia and thereby taking appropriate measures to improve neonatal care.

With creative outreach initiatives, such as street plays, contests and audio-visual programmes under IEC (Information, Education and Communication), we ensure that mothers and families are well informed. Adequate support structures nurture young lives regardless of geography or demography.

Positive Health for All

Caregenex follows a pro-active, preventive and health promotive approach that involves communities in the pursuit of better health. Even though the scope of intervention has increased manifold, our focus remains on promoting awareness and self-sufficiency through community involvement, dissemination of information, and health education.

Public Private Partnership to Provide Primary Healthcare Services

Caregenex follows a pro-active, preventive and health promotive approach that involves communities in the pursuit of better health. Even though the scope of intervention has increased manifold, our focus remains on promoting awareness and self-sufficiency through community involvement, dissemination of information, and health education.

providing Clean Environment and a Safe, Healthy Workplace

At Caregenex, we are fully committed to achieving excellence in Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) and conduct our activities in the most responsible manner. The importance of EHS is continually stressed and extensively promoted as a part of our corporate culture.

Our EHS Policy provides for the creation of a safe and healthy workplace and a clean environment for employees and the community at large. It aims for the highest international standards in plant design, equipment selection, maintenance and operations. The policy is a commitment that we will manufacture our products safely and in an environmentally responsible manner

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